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SQL Database

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SQL Database  Empty SQL Database

Post by Admin Sun Feb 18, 2018 12:29 pm

New sniffed infos

1)Health care centre in Canada SQL database for 3605 customers for sale,the info can be used for different purposes.

2)Classified DATA
QNB data story you can find in: http://www.msn.com/en-gb/video/wonder/qatar-national-bank-database-leak-gives-data-on-al-jazeera-journalists-and-british-spies/vp-BBsl5PH

this database contain several folders related to customers

3) HARD DRIVE DATA- story here= http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/ashley-madison-hack-list-you-can-still-check-if-your-partners-data-was-leaked-1517134

you can locate those on file and tell them you have information no0body have it,can money

A lot of SQL database sniffed !!

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